Imagine you want to invite your members or clients to a fundraising auction.
Using the mailing tool in the web office you can select all the people interested in giving from your membership (members update their details, interests and preferences themselves in "My Area").
You can also use additional criteria (e.g. people who have given over $500) to refine your selection, and add or remove individuals by name.
The mailing tool with then automatically personalize the mail and guide you in designing the email, the html option allows you to include graphics and images and can track responses with the click tracking tool.
Save time and money by reducing administration:
- Members choose to recieve mail communications the way they want to: email or mail.
- Empower anyone with the appropriate permissions to send email using templates that maintain a professional look.
- Address labels and telephone contact list automatically produced for those opting not to recieve email.
- Mailings will be accurate, based on group memberships.
- Mailings will automatically use addresses from members site profile.
- Mailings are combined so you only ever send one letter per household.
- Reduce costs by being able to rely on email distribution.
- System records who was sent each mailing, enabling you to resend and re-use emails.