
Address Book Policy

The address book policy allows you to configure which people may feature in your address book.


The site settings area of the web office allows you to set an address book policy for your web site. Each record in your database has a membership and involvement setting:


Address Book Policy:

You can decide which people should appear in your address books based on their status:

Current members - any person with a membership setting of current regardless of the involvement setting. These records will always be included in the address book (marked in green below).

Former members who have moved away - any record with membership setting of former with an involvement setting of moved away. These people will be colored differently in the online address book to indicate that they are former members.

Regularly involved non-members - any record with a membership setting of none and an involvement setting of regular.

Occasionally involved non-members - any record with a membership setting of none and an involvement setting of occasional.


You can change the policy using the Settings section in the Web Office. Consult the Web Office help for more information on how to do this.


Membership vs Involvement:

Each user record has a membership and involvement setting, which determines the status of the individual. Your organization can use these status fields in a way that suits your own structure and membership requirements.

Involvement Not a Member Current Member Former Member
None: Admin Use Only In Address Book Admin Use Only
Occasional: Optional In Address Book N/A
Regular: Optional In Address Book N/A
Moved Away: Admin Use Only In Address Book Optional



Other notes:

  • In order to access the online address book you must feature in the online address book; therefore, if you do not fall into one of the categories defined in your address book policy you will not be able to view other people's contact information.
  • Individuals are able to set their own privacy settings, and may choose to become ex-directory so that their personal details are not listed in the address book. It is still useful to store their information on the system for administrative use, and so that they can login to the web site.