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Discontinue old databases/email lists

The churchinsight system must become the primary contact database in order for your web site to be the most effective. Please note the following:

  • It is helpful to have the staff and leadership lead the way with using the web site. It's important that your staff stop using out of date databases and mailing lists (by deleting them if necessary!), otherwise members will think changing their web site profile is pointless.

  • Personal address books cannot currently be replaced by our system, as attachments are not allowed. Syncing regularly with the website is encouraged.
  • Exporting the Address Book and import into Outlook is a simple process, and can by done by selecting Advanced Options and then choose Format: export to file.

Your web site address book must always be the primary source updated though, as this is the most up-to-date database because members can update their own profiles.

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