Working in the Web Office
The Web Office is divided into three main areas: the site manager, task pane and work pane.
The task pane
The task pane allows you to access the main administrative areas of the Web Office.
Mailing - Launches the mailing centre, a tool that enables you to communicate with different groups of members using the most effective method, be that email, postal mail or telephone.
Resources - Launches the resources centre, an area where you can manage bookings for resources you own.
Reports - Produce reports on web site usage, organizational structure, attendance records, schedule/rota double-bookings and more.
Settings - Configure your web site settings such as the address book policy, search engine keywords and acceptable use policy.
Help - Display the on-line help file, a comprehensive reference guide to using the Endis system.
Exit - Leave the Web Office and return to the web site home page.
Note: Some of these items may not be available to you if you do not have the appropriate access permissions.