Friendly Web Addresses

Did you realize you can direct visitors straight into a specific area of your web site, by including the group name in the web address (URL). This is especially useful for advertising a particular activity or group in printed literature or marketing where you want to be sure that people can head straight for the correct part of your web site. 


To use this feature, use the following syntax:[groupname]/


You can put in the name of any group, no matter where it is in your group structure. 


Some examples:

Top Tips:

      • Be careful not to have two groups with the same name - visitors may go to the wrong group! You can use group hierarchies if it makes things clearer eg. /kidswork/creche/members
      • If you advertise a web address widely, don't rename the group or the address will stop working
      • Try to avoid using spaces in group names that you will use as web addresses, it confuses visitors who have to type in the address