Site Implementation


This is the Implementation phase - the period when you can configure your Endis site to make it your own. You can continue using your trial site, add in your own information and adjust the look and feel to your liking. When you are ready, the site will go live - by changing your domain name (web address) so that everyone can access and use your site.

To help you we have written an implementation guide that explains each stage of the process and the tasks that need to be done. 

The tasks are divided into four different areas: Site Structure, Content, Graphics and Project Management and the tasks should generally be done in order. Most of the tasks listed below have a link to an explanatory article in the Implementation Guide, so you can get more information about what has to be done.

  Site Structure Content Graphics Project Management
Stage 1

Create group folders.


Build group structure

Complete Site Settings


Evaluate other sites for ideas

Complete design questionaire (or brief graphic designer) Sign and return contract

Assign project owners

Plan domain name transfer

Plan email strategy
Stage 2

Decide address book policy


Source and prepare address book data


Import address book

Write "About Us" section Design proposal supplied by Endis (or graphic designer)

Brief leaders and adminstrators


Inform members of changes

Stage 3 Check membership data for correctness Import calendar information Approve graphic design Answer questions from leaders and members
Stage 4

Add people to groups


Assign permissions

Create Forums


Upload audio

Graphic design implementation  
Stage 5   Encourage group leaders: to write group homepage, create rotas, add events and other content Approve design implementation Train administrators and group leaders
Send out login details Review site content for launch   Domain name transfer

Decide on application procedure for new users


Discontinue old databases / email lists

Encourage use and fresh content  

Submit to search engines


Review ongoing training needs